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Work Completion Inspection

The estimate you write for a restoration project outlines all the items necessary to do the job right, but it’s up to the contractor to follow through and complete the work. Our work completion inspection will provide you with accurate documentation of what has been performed by the contractor. This crucial step will ensure the depreciation hold-back is released properly.

This important service provides you with peace of mind, knowing that all estimated work has been completed according to the proper protocols and installation methods. Our work completion inspection will save you time, money and resources. Ultimately, our goal is to make life easier by allowing your claims adjuster to avoid an extra trip to the property.

The Importance of Work Completion Inspection

It’s crucial that the work performed by contractors be inspected to verify that the job was completed according to the specs of the estimate. This process can ensure:

  • The proper materials were used
  • All work was performed correctly
  • There aren’t issues that can result in the need for additional repairs down the road

At Ladder Works, we understand that your team has a lot on their plate. In order to keep your other claims moving along, it’s often necessary to delegate certain tasks to your dedicated partner. We can help during this important stage of the process. Our work completion inspection services will allow you to accurately disburse the correct depreciation amount, avoiding the risk of overpayment.

The Ladder Works Difference

Our commitment is to you. We view our working relationship as a partnership. The services we provide allow your team to more effectively perform their jobs. At Ladder Works, we take pride in our ability to make your life easier.

All of our inspectors are qualified adjusters ready to serve you. Our work completion inspection service provides you with accurate reporting, giving you confidence that the work was completed and a professional job was done. Our inspectors will travel to the loss location and make sure that the work reported was actually completed. In addition, we’ll make sure the proper materials and protocols were used.

After our inspection, you can confidently release any depreciation in accordance with the work that has been completed and eliminate erroneous depreciation payments for work that has not been performed. We’ll also identify the replacement materials to ensure compliance with any applicable discounts, such as a hail resistant roof. Our comprehensive report will be available within hours of our completed inspection.

You’ll also benefit from our exclusive Ladder Works Reliability Promise™. Our team will always show up at the agreed-upon time and perform your inspection according to the highest levels of professionalism. We provide proactive communication throughout every step of the process and will always be available to answer any questions you may have after reviewing our report. This is just one of the many ways we fulfill our commitment to delivering the exceptional experience you deserve.

Schedule a Work Completion Inspection

Our team will make sure you receive a thorough, comprehensive inspection that will allow you to confidently sign off on the work performed by your contractors. Schedule your work completion inspection today. We have a team of nationwide inspectors that can help you at any job site.

Schedule a Work Completion Inspection
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